A spruce green against the grim winter gray
A forest scent to perfume a closed in day. 

Each year a fresh green stage for the pageant
of the family’s archive of ornaments.

A red and gold angle blowing its horn.   
The crayoned card hanging from yellow yarn.

The antique glass tube with a curlicue tip, 
the years recorded by missing paint chips.

A friend’s hand painted wedding favor,
entwined rings and “together forever”. 

A tuna can painted gold hold’s Santa’s portrait 
cut from wrapping paper - a school project.

There is a St Lucy’s candle halo
and a Guadalupe cameo

A tiny leg lamp from A Christmas Story –
Ralphie’s dad’s major award – Fragile.  

The great-great-grandparent’s star on top,
the beacon to show strangers where to stop.
Images courtesy of WikiMedia Commons and personal photos.

Put a Christmas gift under the tree.

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