Driving the Boat with Jesus
He does not say much, mostly he naps.
Once he pointed at a boat to starboard
to remind me of the rules of the road.
He never speaks in nautical terms,
rather, metaphor or a clever turn
of phrase tending to prelapsarian.
Sometimes with one hand he will pat the air
and that means I should slow down and relax.
He knows if I go too fast, I might relapse.
He doesn’t scold if I take my comfort
but says I’m better when I’m abstinent.
I have to admit, he is more than fair.
Lately I’ve stopped saying excuse me.
Instead, I just say thank you - a lot.
He sets our bearings without a chart
and he’s very good at untying knots.
I’ve learned boating with Jesus is an art.
He says he loves to be with me at sea.
Driving the Boat with Jesus