Merciful Friend, show me your way today.
Let me know your love so I can love you
with my whole heart, mind and strength
and be a blessing to everyone I meet.
Deliver me from self-pity and dishonesty.
Help me to live in gratitude and integrity.
Don’t let me be caught in resentment or fear.
if they appear, turn my thoughts into prayer
for my enemy or someone in need.
When anxiety besets me may I find peace
in you and not escape in gluttony, envy
lust, arrogance, greed, lethargy,
or any misuse of my freedom.
Throughout this day, show me the way
of kindness, courage, patience and forgiveness.
If I harm anyone, including me,
show me the best way to make amends.
When I am stuck in indecision,
I will relax and remember
that you want the best for me
and will show me the next step.
Give me the intuition to know your will
in all I do and the strength to do it.
Help me to be of service to others.
Good God, keep me in the flow of your grace.
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